Professional Online Tax Preparation Service

Get your taxes prepared and filed quickly and accurately with Triple T Tax Service. We offer low upfront pricing, professional expertise, and a streamlined process.

We have been preparing tax returns for 16 years and are ready to serve you and your needs.

Visit our Upwork profile to read numerous reviews from our clients.

Our streamlined process:

STEP 1: Review our upfront tax preparation packages/prices. If you have a unique tax situation not covered in this page, contact us for more information.

STEP 2: Upload tax documents you have received (W2, 1099, etc.) to our secure portal, using "Guest Upload" feature.

STEP 3: Once your documents are received, we will review and contact you to begin the preparation process. We will ask you questions about your financial situation, your family, your income, and possible credits and deductions.

STEP 4: Review return documents and electronically sign them with our secure portal.

(OPTIONAL) STEP 5: For more intense tax situations or business consulting, schedule an appointment for a personal consultation.

At Triple T Tax Service, we are dedicated to providing high-quality tax preparation services. We ensure accuracy and maximize your refund.

Our Services

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
Individual Taxes

We specialize in preparing individual tax returns. Our experts will ensure that you take advantage of all available deductions and credits.

man in black helmet and black jacket with helmet on road during daytime
man in black helmet and black jacket with helmet on road during daytime
Business Taxes

If you're a small business owner, we can help you with your tax filings. Our team is well-versed in business tax laws and regulations.

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white and black samsung signage
person using laptop on white wooden table
person using laptop on white wooden table
Tax Planning

Planning ahead can save you money on your taxes. Our tax planning services will help you minimize your tax liability and maximize your savings.

Audit Support

If you're facing an IRS audit, we've got your back. Our experienced team will guide you through the process and represent you with confidence.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Contact Us

Contact our team for personalized support